5k. Five kilometers. Three point one miles.
You see your friend’s Facebook post where they get up at 6am to meet a group of equally “crazy” runner friends to run a 5k. Part of you says: They’re crazy. There is no way I could rise before the sun to get up and go for a run!
But also, another part of you says: What if I was one of those “crazy” people who have a running goal? That could be cool.
Now enters the internal dialogue of:
“Can I even run?”
“Am I too old to start?”
“But I don’t like running.”
“Can’t running get me injured?”
Or, “Could this be a new, fun hobby?”
Maybe, “I can improve my health with running?”
“Ok….Maybe I can do this, but where do I even start?”
Check out the Regenexx Couch to 5K Training Plan